WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. PAGE 29 Map 12 Strathdon The map on the opposite page shows the proposed core paths network for the area around Strathdon. The paths proposed within this area have been chosen as they best fit with the objectives of the Core Paths Plan and have been identified during the consultation process. The Outdoor Access Strategy10 identifies a need to develop safe walking and cycling routes to school and work places, especially near Bellabeg, and for leisure. Proposed core paths UDO3 and UDO5 should go a long way toward achieving this and should cater for a range of activities and abilities. The paths in the Ben Newe Woodlands and the paths on Coulick Hill are popular for a variety of activities. The proposed core paths around the Doune at Bellabeg and over the historic Poldullie Bridge will encourage people to enjoy the Park’s cultural heritage in a responsible way. Many of the proposed core paths in this area should help those living and working on the land. This is because many have been developed by local land managers in an effort to better manage access in relation to their land management operations. Strathdon Proposed Core Paths Path Ref No / Path Name/Description UDO1 Doune UDO3 Roughpark/School/Bellabeg UDO4 Bellabeg to Heugh-head UDO5 Bridge over the Don and path to the Lonach Hall UDO6 Link from bridge over the Don to Bellabeg UDO7 Glac Riach UDO8 Kirk Hill Circular UDO9 Poldullie Bridge UDO10 Bellabeg Circular UDO11 Bellabeg to Deochry Link UDO12 Ben Newe UDO13 Semeil Riverside Walk 10 Enjoying the Cairngorms: Cairngorms National Park Outdoor Access Strategy 2007-2012 (CNPA 2007), is available on the CNPA website or on request. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Core Paths Plan Draft • April 2008 PAGE 29 Image: Map 12 Strathdon (not available in full text format, please check pdf)